Beveling may sound like a complex and complicated term that only mirrors and glass experts know about but luckily, that is not the case. This is why our wonderful team at Juno Mirrors and Glass have put together this helpful bit of information.

Simply put, bevelling is the process of creating an angle or a chamfer that results from two meeting surfaces. This process is called a bevel. One thing to know is that a bevel cannot be at 90°, but all other angles are acceptable. 

Now that you know what bevelling actually is, you may ask yourself, ‘What is the point of this whole bevelling process?’ Often an afterthought to some, it is actually a very crucial step in any design process. Not thinking about bevelling properly could cost you time and quality. To your benefit, our bevelling services are of the highest quality as well as being efficient, flexible and non- hazardous. 

The mirrors will all have polished edges taking away the sharpness. This is great if you have little kids running around and are worried for their safety. However, please note that all corners will be sharp unless they are dubbed. If they are dubbed, it will eliminate the concern of getting hurt by sharp corners. Evidently, it is safe to place in your home.

In addition, there is no need for any frames, as the bevels create a natural frame in itself. This is timeless and will give you a vibrant and sophisticated look to your place, with an attractive finish.

Visually, you could benefit from the bevel refracting light like a prism,creating a very interesting rainbow effect. Always wanted to add depth to your place? WIth a bevel, you can easily have more light in the place which will lift the whole atmosphere to another level and make each and every room feel inviting. The multiple reflections of a bevel makes every room come to life, making it appear even bigger and even brighter. It creates the lovely illusion of space, almost as if your place grew in size. That one dull area in your place will no longer be lifeless but it will transform into a striking welcome for visitors.

As you have now read more about beveling and what it is all about, we hope that we are better informed and are ready to get started with us. If so, just get in touch with us and we’ll be glad you got in touch with us. You would be pleased to know that our clients speak highly of our service and end results.

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