If you’ve been on the search for glass windows for your home or business, you would find the term ‘glazing’ come up. In some cases, you may come across single glazing, double glazing and even triple glazing. Someone who has no knowledge of glass or mirrors may find all this a bit too much but don’t worry, this is where Juno Mirrors and Glass come in. We provided this abundance of information so you can understand glazing a bit better and feel comfortable starting your order with us.

Essentially, all glazing means is the glass that is installed in the window frame. For example, one sheet of glass will be a single glazed window, two glass panels make up a double glazed window and so on. In simple words, double glazing consists of  two panes of glass.

The type of glazing you choose for your home will depend on various different factors. It can vary from: where you live, building materials, size of your windows and the energy efficient rating you want to meet.

Nowadays, it is almost expected to be double glazed windows. Double glazing provides numerous benefits to your property. It can help counter rising energy costs , increased noise pollution or to make indoor living more comfortable. As a result, double glazing is now a regular feature in properties.  

As mentioned above, double glazing is becoming a standard feature in properties. Something that was out of fashion or out of reach ( for financial reasons.)  is now regarded as a cost-saving and sustainable solution. You may be surprised but a place with double glazed windows is 20 to 30 times more energy efficient than a place with single glazed windows. As the cost of power just keeps going up and up, it makes sense to look at investing in long-term solutions. Still, saving on energy costs is just one benefit of double glazing. You will benefit from: stable temperatures, less noise pollution and reduced condensation.

The double panes work effectively for all seasons – in the colder months, your double glazed windows will deter heat escaping while in the summer months they will keep the heat out.  

If you have single glazed windows, you will be able to tell they feel cold in winter from the inside or can even form a layer of condensation. With double glazed windows, the interior panel stays at room temperature and no condensation will happen. 

Now that you have a greater understanding of glazing and are ready to get your own project started, contact us and we’ll get you what you need. Here at Juno Mirrors and Glass, it may interest you to know that we receive constant praise for our ability to give the highest quality results for our clients. Be the next client to experience our exceptional service and products now.

Still unsure about something? To find out more about your general glazing options, please reach out to our great team at Juno Mirrors and Glass Ltd. We will be happy to help you with any enquiries you still have.

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